On this page you will find information and services for students with disabilities (all who self-define as having seen or unseen disabilities, whether diagnosed or not).
WCSA Disabilities Rep:
As part of the Welfare team at WCSA there is a dedicated Disabilities rep to ensure all the views and concerns of all students with disabilities are represented. Their details can be found on the Committee page.
WCSA Welfare Officer
Overall student representation of Welfare Issues falls under the role of the WCSA Welfare Officer. For any concerns, questions or support you can get in touch at: wcsa-welfare@wolfson.cam.ac.uk.
College Disability Liaison Officer
Mrs. Kim Allen
For information on accessibility, location and distances:
Please see: http://www2.wolfson.cam.ac.uk/files/misc/Wolfson-College-DRC.pdf
CUSU Disabled Students’ Officer:
The CUSU DSO, Jessica Wing, can be reached at: disabled@cusu.cam.ac.uk.
Further information on the Disabled Students’ Campaign, including the representation and support they provide, can be found on their website: http://www.disabled.cusu.cam.ac.uk/.
The Disability Resource Centre:
The DRC provides advice, guidance, assessment and support for prospective and current students with disabilities. They can also help with providing resources, equipment and funding support. For more information see: http://www.disability.admin.cam.ac.uk/.
Keynes House, 24a Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1QA
Telephone: +44 (0)1223 332301
Email: disability@admin.cam.ac.uk
Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 9am – 4pm.
Useful Links
Student led support groups:
Cambridge Students’ Disability Community:
Unseen Disabilities Collective: